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<style> #related-posts { float : left; width : 540px; margin-top:20px; margin-left : 5px; margin-bottom:20px; font : 11px Verdana; margin-bottom:10px; } #related-posts .widget { list-style-type : none; margin : 5px 0 5px 0; padding : 0; } #related-posts .widget h2, #related-posts h2 { font-size : 20px; font-weight : normal; margin : 5px 7px 0; padding : 0 0 5px; } #related-posts a { text-decoration : none; } #related-posts a:hover { text-decoration : none; } #related-posts ul { border : medium none; margin : 10px; padding : 0; } #related-posts ul li { display : block; background : url("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgGQEHg7ZPDO6_oE6DDLNnaxz2vRgu1rUy4Rlqk56ubkyZ87Jviru_jYMEqeXhoYCglq_zFdL87Qd_hsCssRvQnjb-08wOSmCjCaOrpu_QopsctdimbS5a4eFn3j90YAEbJAABSU1zW6zY/") no-repeat 0 0; margin : 0; padding-top : 0; padding-right : 0; padding-bottom : 1px; padding-left : 21px; margin-bottom : 5px; line-height : 2em; border-bottom:1px dotted #cccccc; } </style> <script src='https://sites.google.com/site/widgetsforfree/scripts/Related_posts_hack.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
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<font face='Arial' size='3'><b>Related Posts : </b></font><font color='#FFFFFF'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><data:label.name/><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>,</b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
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<script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels();
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Tags' type='Label'/>Your code may look a little different. So try using your browser's search tool to find type='Label'.
/*Distributed by John Smith at WidgetsForFree.blogspot.com*/ <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Tags' type='Label'><b:includable id='main'><b:if cond='data:title'><h2><data:title/></h2></b:if><div class='widget-content' style='text-align: justify;'><script type='text/javascript'>/*Simple Blogger Tag Cloud Widgetby Raymond May Jr.http://www.compender.comReleased to the Public Domain*///Settings / Variablesvar max = 150; //max css size (in percent)var min = 70; //min css size (in percent)var showCount = false; // show counts? true for yes, false for novar minCount = 1; // what is the minimum count for a tag to be shown? 1 for all//Begin code:var range = max - min;//Build label Arrayvar labels = new Array();<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>labels.push("<data:label.name/>");</b:loop>//URLsvar urls = new Array();<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>urls.push("<data:label.url/>");</b:loop>//Countsvar counts = new Array();<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>counts.push("<data:label.count/>");</b:loop>//Number sort funtion (high to low)function sortNumber(a, b){return b - a;}//Make an independant copy of counts for sortingvar sorted = counts.slice();//Find the largest tag countvar most = sorted.sort(sortNumber)[0];//Begin HTML outputfor (x in labels){if(x != "peek" && x != "forEach" && counts[x] >= minCount){//Calculate textSizevar textSize = min + Math.floor((counts[x]/most) * range);//Show counts?if(showCount){var count = "(" + counts[x] + ")";}else{var count = "";}//Outputdocument.write("<span style='font-size:" + textSize + "%'><a href='" + urls[x] + "' style='text-decoration:none;'>" + labels[x] + count + "</a></span> " );}}</script><br/><span style="font-size:80%;float:right;">Powered by <a href="http://www.widgetsforfree.blogspot.com">Blogger Widgets</a></span></div></b:includable></b:widget>
<link href='http://bsaves.com/HowHero/Blogger%20Templates/moonspot/images/favicon.ico' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon' /> <link href='http://bsaves.com/HowHero/Blogger%20Templates/moonspot/images/favicon.ico' rel='icon'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'> <title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if>
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